80-20 rule and Investments

September 26, 2020 admin 0

Pareto principle or the 80-20 rule is a much larger rule that applies over a large variety of things. It states that 80% of the effect comes from 20% of the causes. Its application is in almost all fields. In economics, it says 80% of wealth is held by 20% […..]

Risk Analysis

The V J Principle

September 20, 2020 admin 0

The article is about two of my clients whose names start with V & J respectively. You might be thinking why I wrote an article and added the word principle by their initials. This is one of the mistakes I did with my career as a distributor. Well, let’s hear […..]

Cricket and Asset Allocation

September 19, 2020 admin 0

I recently got a chance to attend a training session organized by one of the AMCs for distributors. The trainer gave an excellent example which I wanted to share with you all. Imagine you are given an opportunity to make the selection for a Cricket team. Suppose you have around […..]

Get Cheaper loans

September 11, 2020 admin 0

Mostly everyone takes a loan in their life at least once. Even the super-rich Ambani’s have taken loans worth crores. The problem is that almost everyone makes mistakes while taking loans due to lack of knowledge. I remember the time my uncle had to go to bank multiple times to […..]

Save 200/- everyday to become a Crorepati

September 10, 2020 admin 0

What is 200 per day or 6000 per month? One time meal? A biryani? Or the amount that you spend partying in a month? If you had invested this money you would get 1Cr by the end of 25 years. 3 years later your salary might have doubled but you […..]

Loss on Credit Cards you didn’t use

September 9, 2020 admin 3

Let me start by saying: Credit Card can be your biggest enemy and also one of your biggest strength at the same time. It all depends on how you use it. Some of those who use credit card end up living paycheck to paycheck. On Day 1 you get your […..]