New year financial resolutions for everyone

January 3, 2021 admin 1

Nope, this post isn’t about any investment plan. Investments should be started only after you have the following targets achieved. 1. Health Insurance and Super Topups You should have a proper health insurance coverage of a minimum of 5lakhs and a super top-up insurance of anything above 20lakh. You can […..]

investment mistakes

Chasing the Stupidity Run

December 2, 2020 admin 0

There is a famous quote by Warren Buffet “be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful”. The following post is about importance of that line and the mistakes that everyone makes. Almost everyone does the mistake of being greedy when others are greedy and being […..]

Mutual fund goals

How many Mutual Fund Goals?

November 1, 2020 admin 1

Mutual fund investments should always be based on the goal. You should manage your goals separately like you want to invest for your child’s marriage, education your retirement etc. This is what everyone tells you. Well to be frank I always hate this goal based section. Suppose you had planned […..]

FIRE Retirement

FIRE Movement

October 24, 2020 admin 0

FIRE – Financially Independent and Retire Early is a lifestyle movement that’s gaining much significance among the Millenials in western countries. Indian’s are still pretty new to this concept. FIRE is achieved by aggressive savings. You cut back on your life and try to control your expenditures as much as […..]

Saving 2000/- per month gives 25,000/- monthly pension

October 10, 2020 admin 0

I have seen people in private job envy people in government jobs just because they get to earn handsome pension post-retirement. However, being in a private job shouldn’t restrict you from enjoying a handsome pension. All you need is to save just 2000/- per month to get a pension of […..]