Free Term Insurance

September 8, 2020 admin 0

Yes, you read it right. Term insurance is available free of cost. You don’t need to submit any income certificates or do medical tests. You just need to be between 18 and 51 to be eligible. However Cover continues till you are 60. FREE because the AMC pays for you. […..]

NPS Basics to help you get started

September 5, 2020 admin 0

A single post on NPS will be like writing a book. So I’ll restrict this to the basics of NPS that each one should know before taking an NPS account. NPS or National Pension Scheme is a government-sponsored pension scheme. Earlier it was restricted to government employees but now it […..]

Power of compounding

Compounding Power

September 5, 2020 admin 0

Albert Einstein has rightly said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.” The problem is people don’t understand the value of this statement. My take: Compound interest is the 8th wonder in the world that can help […..]

Direct vs Regular

Direct vs Regular Mutual funds

September 3, 2020 admin 0

Earlier AMCs where giving same returns for funds invested via intermediaries or middlemen and those invested directly. Some years back SEBI brought in rule to separate each fund into two options Regular and Direct option. These changes were made to help those investors who invest their funds directly with AMCs […..]

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Best App for Mutual Fund Purchases

September 2, 2020 admin 0

This is one query that I get a lot asking review of an App XYZ for mutual fund investments. Or some people ask me which app is better ABC or XYZ. To explain this, you’ll first need to know some key terms about mutual funds before I can explain this […..]

Inadequate insurance coverage

September 2, 2020 admin 0

How much insurance coverage do you have now? 5lakhs or 10lakhs? Did you know this won’t last more than 3-5 years in the present day if you have 2-3 people dependent on you even if living frugally? Logic says you need 20 times your annual income to provide support for […..]