How to make 1Cr from Mutual Funds

January 1, 2021 admin 0

20-30 years back Lakhpatis(one having assets of 1lakh and above) were unheard of in the middle class. Nowadays the middle class means you should be having assets in lakhs. 20-30 years from now the middle-class is going to be the one with assets in crores. Let alone being rich are […..]


Nippon Tax Saver ELSS Mutual Fund a disaster

November 14, 2020 admin 0

The mistake that everyone makes is chasing returns. We always try to select a fund that had performed well in recent times. Some years back this was the case with Nippon Tax saver fund too. It was once the best performing funds in ELSS category. However it is not investors […..]

Flexicap – A new category of Mutual funds

November 7, 2020 admin 0

Since the beginning, there were a lot of mutual fund categories like Small Cap, Large Cap, Midcap etc. However, there were no restrictions to ensure whether the investments by the AMCs where actually being made in the shares of respective cap companies. So even though it was actually a large-cap […..]

Mutual fund goals

How many Mutual Fund Goals?

November 1, 2020 admin 1

Mutual fund investments should always be based on the goal. You should manage your goals separately like you want to invest for your child’s marriage, education your retirement etc. This is what everyone tells you. Well to be frank I always hate this goal based section. Suppose you had planned […..]

FIRE Retirement

FIRE Movement

October 24, 2020 admin 0

FIRE – Financially Independent and Retire Early is a lifestyle movement that’s gaining much significance among the Millenials in western countries. Indian’s are still pretty new to this concept. FIRE is achieved by aggressive savings. You cut back on your life and try to control your expenditures as much as […..]

Risk Analysis

The V J Principle

September 20, 2020 admin 0

The article is about two of my clients whose names start with V & J respectively. You might be thinking why I wrote an article and added the word principle by their initials. This is one of the mistakes I did with my career as a distributor. Well, let’s hear […..]